DAVE JONES, Club President receiving the Presidents Day Trophy,
From NICK FLATTERS, the 2023 Club Captain.
The PRESIDENTS TEAM beat the CLUB CAPTAINS team by 42 shots.
The match was played under the format of pairs from each side
3 games of 7 end with the winners being the team with the
highest shots scored,
The highest scoring pair were Dian Green & Andy Pain with 29
It was a very good and enjoyable days bowling with 32 players
taking part.
The Day also combined The AIR AMBULANCE DAY. A total of £200.
was raised for
the Air Ambulance, a well worth charity to support.
The players enjoyed a wonderful buffet lunch, once again
excellently prepared
by Jane Flatters.
A special thanks to Phil Pack, who organized the games,
and prepared the green, which was in top condition, again.
With a big thanks to all members who worked in the background.
Also a thank you to Highley and Chelmarsh Bowls Clubs for
supporting this event..